How to use adjustment factor as a grading tool?

First of all, adjustment factors will let you know the relative performance of all members of the team when comparing the scores of all team members (you could see the score to see if anyone over-performs or under-performs compared to other teammates). While the absolute rating score will give you the absolute information of the performance level for each individual based self- and peer- impression. Secondly, if in your class, you care more about the overall teamwork competency, then you might want to calculate the adjustment factors across all dimensions. However, if you care more about certain dimensions of the CATME teamwork competency, you could just calculate the adjustment factor scores for the corresponding dimensions. Again, your calculation and interpretation of the scores should really be based on your needs.

Translating CATME peer evaluation rating into standardized scores. If you have a chance to look over some academic papers related to CATME, you will notice that different people will have different rating patterns and we highly recommend using CATME peer evaluations as the ways to facilitate students’ development of teamwork competency. We typically would use CATME peer evaluation results as formative assessment – which means the major purpose of the assessment is to provide an instrument for students to reflect on their past behavior and get feedback from their peers so that they could use the information to further improve.

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