CATME Terms Instructor Dictionary
If you have any suggestions about this dictionary, please email and let us know!
Activity (Section)
An assigned CATME survey. Could be Team-Maker, Peer Evaluation, or Rater Practice.
Activity Re-entry
The default behavior for a Team-Maker survey is to allow a student unlimited access until the survey's closing date. Until the closing date has passed, a student may reenter a survey as often as they like and change answers. If you wish to limit your students ability to re-enter your survey and change their answers, you can check the box labeled 'Limit Reentry'. Doing so will mean that a student cannot reenter a survey and change answers after fully completing it (although they can re-enter a partly completed survey as often as needed).
Additional Information
This screen only appears for Team-Maker surveys that include the "Grade in prerequisite course" and/or "Software skills" questions. Both of these questions expect a value to be filled into the question when the survey is presented to the student. In the case of the "Grade in prerequisite course" question, enter the name of the prerequisite course. For the "Software skills" question, enter the name of the software package on which the students should rate their competency.
Adjustment Factor
Compares an individual student’s ratings across all teamwork dimensions with the average ratings of everyone in the team. This helps to see if the student was rated harsher than the average, or rated more lenient with ratings by their teammates.
Allow Survey Re-Entry
Allow a student to re-enter a closed survey after it has been completed or was not submitted on time.
Anonymize Peer-to-Peer Release
If this option is chosen, after the survey results are released, each student will see the text of the peer to peer comments left by other students on the team. However, they will not see the name of the student who left the comment. Furthermore, the order of the comments will be randomized such that one cannot guess the identity using a common order such as alphabetical by last name, etc.
Append Gender to Answers
(Advanced Question Settings) This setting changes whether a gender is added to the answer. For example, if the question was about sports, and the answer was "Basketball," the result would be stored as "Men's Basketball" or "Women's Basketball," depending on the student's indicated gender.
Any completed survey can be manually archived on the Activity Editor screen, and surveys are also automatically archived three months after their end date. Only archived surveys can be deleted.
Amazon Web Services. AWS Servers are provided by Amazon and located in different countries around the world. CATME data from each country is stored in the respective server, ensuring that no data leaves the country's borders.
Behaviorally Anchored Rating System. More information please see "Peer Evaluation Survey".
CATME Five Teamwork Dimensions
Five areas of team-member effectiveness that are used as metrics in Peer Evaluation surveys. The dimensions are "Contributing to the Team's Work", "Interacting with Teammates", "Keeping the Team on Track", "Expecting Quality", and "Having Relevant Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities".
CATME License
Authorization to use CATME. Available in four different types: Individual (available for any single instructor), Departmental (covers all instructors within a given department at an institution), Institutional (covers all instructors within an entire institution), and Student Pay (when students pay for CATME instead of their instructors or institution)
Activities are separated into classes, in a similar way that files are sorted into folders.
Clique (Cliq)
(Exceptional Condition) None of the other exceptional conditions apply, but the team may have split into multiple non-cooperating groups (cliques). The sum of the standard deviations for the ratings in each behavioral category being greater than the total number of behaviors surveyed (typically 5). This can lead to erroneous "Adjustment Factor" values, and so the "Adjustment Factor" column will be highlighted in this case.
Community Question
A Team-Maker question created by another instructor and shared for general use.
Confidential Comments
Comments a student can leave at the end of any survey. Can only be seen by the student and instructor
Conflict (Conf)
(Exceptional Condition) This student rated another team member at 2 or less, while the median rating for that student from the other team members is 3 or more. For the "Clique" condition not to be flagged instead, there must be significant agreement among the other students' scores, so this would appear to be an individual personality conflict. This can result in erroneous "Adjustment Factor" values, and so the "Adjustment Factor" column will be highlighted in this case.
Contributing to the Team’s Work
One of the CATME Five Teamwork Dimensions. Helping the team achieve its goals or objectives by completing the assigned tasks.
The different options present in a Team-Maker survey that can be used to form teams.
Dashboard-Detailed Data by Teams
The Peer Evaluation survey results page containing the results of one of the instructor's teams. Each team has its own page.
Dashboard-Raw Data Detail
The Peer Evaluation survey results page containing what each team member rated each other and themselves, adjustment factors, Rater Practice results, and Peer-to-Peer comments.
Data & Teams
A page where an instructor can view the results of a Team-Maker survey. Instructors can also edit the teams by changing parameters.
Delegate Instructors
By default surveys are only visible to you. As the creator of the survey, you have the option of sharing this survey with one or more additional instructors or teaching assistants.
Delete Activity
Get rid of an activity completely. Only Activities in the Archive may be deleted. Deleted Activities can never be restored.
Display Text/Stored As
What students see as question answers for a Team-Maker survey/What questions answers will be seen as to an instructor accessing them in the results of a Team-Maker survey, both will be filled out by the instructor.
For a Team-Maker survey question, moving the choice to "Distribute" increases the diversity of answer choices in each team the system creates.
Dual Access Account
A CATME account with both student and instructor access.
Exceptional Conditions
The CATME Peer Evaluation instrument uses the data it collects from students to recognize certain "exceptional conditions"-- low performer, high performer, overconfident, under-confident, manipulator, conflict, and cliques.
Expecting Quality
One of the CATME Five Teamwork Dimensions. Believing that the team is capable of quality work, and encouraging the team to strive for quality.
Extra Messages to students
When the system recognizes one of the Exceptional Conditions, the system normally provides the affected students with an additional informational message at the top of their survey results. You may choose to have the system NOT display these messages by unchecking the box on this screen.
Extra Questions
Other optional team member rating criteria questions besides the CATME five dimensions that can be enabled in Peer Evaluation surveys.
Follow-up Questions
(Extra questions sets) These questions can be added to a Peer Evaluation survey to inquire how much a student likes their other team members.
Group Dissimilar
(For a Team-Maker survey question) Grouping students together with different responses to the criteria and questions in a Team-Maker survey.
Group Similar
(For a Team-Maker survey question) Grouping students together with similar responses to the criteria and questions in a Team-Maker survey.
Having Relevant Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs)
One of the CATME Five Teamwork Dimensions. Knowing how to complete assignments, and having necessary knowledge to do so. Being willing to learn new things for the project. Should be prepared to perform other roles if needed.
High Performer (High)
(Exceptional Condition) The student received an average rating better than 3.5 and their rating was more than half a point higher than the overall average for the team as a whole. Clearly this student was an exceptional contributor to this team's work.
Adding a CSV file containing your students to add them to a survey.
Instructor Account
Account type with permissions to create, assign, edit, and view the results of surveys. Must be requested and licensed.
Interacting with Teammates
One of the CATME Five Teamwork Dimensions. Providing positive interactions within the team that contribute to a supportive environment. Talking during a meeting is an important interaction, but so is knowing when to listen to others.
Keeping the Team on Track
One of the CATME Five Teamwork Dimensions. Making sure the team is on its way to achieving its goals.
License PO
Licencing Purchase Order. CATME only requires the instructor/department/institution to get one if their payment department requires a PO number.
Limit Entry
This action will limit students to only enter a Team-Maker survey once, rather than allowing the student to re-enter the survey multiple times.
Low Performer (Low)
(Exceptional Condition) This student did not contribute greatly to the team's success-- their average overall rating is less than 2.5. This is difficult to achieve without significant lack of effort.
Majority Answer
(Advanced Question Settings) Only used if "Minority Weighting" is enabled. Enter what the majority result is expected to be, and the system will evenly distribute the minority answers among the groups. For example, if "Male" is entered as the Majority Answer, students who answer "Female" or "Other" will be distributed among the groups.
Manipulator (Manip)
(Exceptional Condition) One of the students on the team appears to be trying to "skew the curve" by giving themselves an overall rating of 4 or higher while rating all of the other members on their team at least two points below this rating. This can cause erroneous "Adjustment Factor" values and will result in the "Adjustment Factor" column being highlighted.
Minority Weighting
(Advanced Question Settings) If this is enabled, students with similar answers to this question will be distributed among the groups.
Multi-Section Survey
A survey that contains multiple sections of people responding to the same survey. Ideal for a class with multiple sections/meeting times.
My Profile
Page where personal info, such as name, email, password, address, phone number, time zone, and more, can be edited.
Overconfident (Over)
(Exceptional Condition) Team members' average rating for the student is less than 3, but the student rated themselves a full point or more higher than their average rating. Possibly the student contributed but managed to alienate the other team members, or more likely they tend to overstate their own contributions.
Parameters (Params)
The way an instructor rates criteria in forming teams using the results of a Team-Maker survey.
Peer Evaluation Survey
A behaviorally anchored peer evaluation tool, designed to assess team member effectiveness.
Peer Influences
(Extra questions sets) This is a large set of questions that can be added to a Peer Evaluation survey to indicate how much members of the team positively support one another. There are nine subsections: Notice, Praise, Correct, Report, Discuss, Gossip, Avoid Underperformers, Avoid Overachievers, and Urge, though the questions will appear all as one set to the student.
Peer to Peer Comments
Comments that a student taking a Peer Review survey may optionally leave about themselves and their teammates when completing the Peer Review. Their comments are entered and displayed free form as created by the commenting student. The default setting for Peer-to-Peer Comments are that student comments about themselves and their teammates are confidential and are viewed only by the instructor.
Psychological Safety
(Extra questions sets) CATME research shows psychological safety is a good proxy for a variety of team process and outcome variables. These sets of questions can be added to a Peer Evaluation survey to give insight as to whether the student feels accepted, respected, and confident within the team.
Purge Survey Answers
Delete all answers to a survey from a single student, and give them re-entry to fill it out again.
Question Manager
Page where Team-Maker survey questions can be edited or created, community questions can be added for use in Team-Maker Surveys, and the question order in a Team-Maker survey can be changed.
Question Type
This setting indicates if the question answer is Numeric, Multiple-Choice, or Textual. If Multiple-Choice is chosen, each possible Multiple-Choice answer must also be entered.
Quick Summary
The first page after logging in. See surveys that require an action from the user, and a list of all classes.
Rater Practice
A practice survey with hypothetical team members for students to improve their peer evaluation skills before rating their real team members.
Release Data
Reveal the results of a Peer Evaluation Survey by clicking "Release Results" on the Quick Summary Page. The data can be released to Students, to Instructors, to Researchers, to Students and Instructors, or to no one.
Release Peer-to-Peer Comments to students
Enable the release of Peer-to-Peer Comments. All students in a team will be able to view all the comments entered by themselves and their teammates. Note that only students on the same team see comments from or about each other.
Scheduling Table
A table that shows what percentage of the team is available to meet during every given hour, based on the team's Team Maker survey results. It will be shown in the user's time zone as long as they've set it up in their profile. Otherwise, it will be shown in their instructor's time zone.
Scoring labels
This control can be used to shift between different labeling schemes for the weight range: "Distribute/Don't Outnumber", and "Group Similar/Group Dissimilar."
Segments other Minority groups
Controls the interplay between multiple minority groups for the purposes of forming teams. The system question regarding Gender has this set, for example, and it means that another question with this set would multiple these options by those of Gender. If a question had two possible answers, A and B, and a survey had this and Gender, it means that there would be four minority groups: Male & A, Male & B, Female & A, and Female & B.
Send Reminder
Instructors can press this button to send an email reminder to all students who have not yet completed the survey.
Student Account
Account type that cannot create and assign surveys, but can take and see results of surveys assigned to it.
Student must answer/Student may skip
(Advanced Question Settings) This setting changes whether a question is mandatory. Defaults to "Student must answer" (i.e., question is mandatory), but if it is actually an optional question, you may set this to "Student may skip" and the student will have the option of bypassing the question on the survey.
Survey Type
A screen where the survey type can be selected. Select between a Team-Maker or a Peer Evaluation survey.
Team Cohesiveness
(Extra questions sets) These questions can be added to a Peer Evaluation survey to help the instructor understand the team’s chemistry toward the project’s process and goals. There are three subsections: Task Attraction, Interpersonal Cohesiveness, and Task Commitment, though the questions will appear all as one set to the student.
Team Conflict
(Extra questions sets) These questions can be added to a Peer Evaluation survey to help instructors understand how much conflict is occurring in a team. There are three subsections: Task Conflict, Relationship Conflict, and Process Conflict, though these questions will appear all as one set to the student.
Team Interdependence
(Extra questions sets) These questions can be added to a Peer Evaluation survey to help the instructor gauge how well the student works and depends on the others.
Team Satisfaction
(Extra questions sets) These questions can be added to a Peer Evaluation survey to notify the instructor how satisfied a student is with their current group of teammates.
Team-Maker Survey
A survey that gathers student demographic information and assigns students to teams.
Teamwork Training Tools
A portfolio of tools that instructors can use in or outside the classroom to train their students to become more effective team members and provide more accurate peer evaluations.
Time Zone Scheduling
A tool that facilitates team creation when team members are in different time zones from each other or from the instructor, such as in an online course.
Underconfident (Under)
(Exceptional Condition) Team members' average rating for this student is greater than 3, but the student rated themselves at least a point lower than this value. This would indicate that the student is "underconfident" or too critical of their own contributions.
Unique Student
A student account with a unique student email ID.
Unique Student Count Reports
A report containing the unique student count, which determines the price of an instructor's/institution's license.
View Results
A page where an instructor can view the results of a Peer Evaluation survey.
Voluntary Product Accessibility Template. A document detailing the accessibility standards with which the CATME interface complies.
Weight Range
Indicate the impact of this question on the team-maker results.