Printable Surveys

A printable CATME’s Peer Evaluation instruments document is available for instructional and research use. The Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale version of the instrument is the one used in our online administration. The document also includes the Likert-scale version of the instrument in the short and long formats.

If you use either the online version or the printed version of the Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) version, please cite the following article, which describes the development and validation of the BARS instrument.

Ohland, M.W., Loughry, M.L., Woehr, D.J., Finelli, C.J., Bullard, L.G., Felder, R.M., Layton, R.A., Pomeranz, H.R., & Schmucker, D.G. (2012). The Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness: Development of a Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale for Self and Peer Evaluation. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 11 (4), 609-630.

If you use the short or long version of the Likert-scale instrument, please cite the following article, which describes the development and validation of the Likert-scale instrument.

Loughry, M.L., M.W. Ohland, & Moore, D.D. (2007.) Development of a Theory-Based Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 67 (3), 505-524.