What does “same rating across team members” mean?

Same Rating across Team Members means that a student gave the same rating to every teammate. This could be a sign that the student did not think about their answers, and instead just clicked the same box for every teammate. The numbers will be highlighted in red.

What does “same rating across dimensions” mean?

Same Rating across Dimensions means that a student gave the same rating to a teammate across all of the CATME dimensions. This could be a sign that the student did not think about their answers, and instead just clicked the same box for every dimension. The numbers will be highlighted in red.

What is dashboard detail by team?

Dashboard–detail by team shows the results of the survey for one specific team. It shows the data and ratings for each of the five CATME teamwork dimensions as well as for any additional categories added to the survey. To view it, click “Dashboard-Detailed Data By Team” on the Activity Results page, choose the results you would like to view using the checkboxes, and then click “Display Report.”

For more information, see our Dashboard Detail By Team video.

What is the Raw Data Report?

This report lists detailed results from every team. To view it, click “Dashboard-Raw Data Report” on the Activity Results page.

What is the adjustment factor?

The adjustment factor compares an individual student’s ratings with the average ratings of everyone in the team. This helps to see if the student was harsher than the average, or less harsh. There are two different adjustment factors, “Adj Factor w/Self”, which includes the student’s self-rating in the calculation, and “Adj Factor w/o Self”, which does not. These adjustment factors can be used to “score” the student’s ratings.